Parinaud's Syndrome

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I used to tell my friends that neuro was ridiculous
Until I got a lump in my superior colliculus
Now I'm a monster among men
I've got this freakish growth at level ten.
I've got Parinaud's,
See the fragile folds of my rostral tectum
That lesion well it damn nearly wrecked 'em
And the sun may be shining but I can't see
'Cause I can't look up at all
So if I'm staring at your chest you can't blame me
'Cause it's really not my fault, yeah!

I guess it seems that I'm upset about my deficit
So before I tell my tale I think I ought to preface it.
As far as any lesion goes,
At least I don't have clonus.... clonus blows!

I got Parinaud's,
See the fragile folds of my rostral tectum.
That lesion well it damn nearly wrecked 'em
And the sun may be shining but I can't see
'Cause I can't look up at all
So if I'm staring at your chest you can't blame me
'Cause it's really not my fault, yeah!

Copyright 1998 Zach London